
       すてきなようちえん                ♬

                       ♪                       (園で見かけたすてきなできごとをご紹介します。)

★ 各保育室で、クリスマス献金の意味を伝えました。ゆりぐみのお部屋に入り、「今日はみんな何をつくったのかな。」と、言うと、「くえんきんばこ!」という声。きっとはじめて聞いたことばだったはずなのに、一回でほぼ正確に覚えられるのね。びっくりします。
★ 「お誕生会」はおうちの方からメッセージをいただくので、たくさんの「すてき」に出会える日です。ほとんどの子どもたちがおうちで進んでお手伝いをしていると聞いて感心します。こんなコメントもいただきました。

Sutekina Yochien
★ “What do those bugs eat?” asked F-chan. As I did not
know, her suggestion was: “Why don’t you looked it up on
your PC? You always work on it so hard.” What a modern
idea! I felt old.
★ When I asked what did they make on the day our children
prepared their offering box, someone in Yuri Class said,
“Kwenkinbako!” It must be their first time to hear such a big
word. It’s amazing how fast they catch everything.
★ Our monthly Birthday Assembly is one of the best days,
because we hear many nice comments of Moms and Dads
on their children. It seems every one helps their family
with some choirs. Other comments are as follows:
My son said, “I love my little brother’s smiles!”
My daughter said, “You’ll be all right!” when I was
panicking with her little brother’s injury. My daughter
shares everything with me. My son folds up a huge bunch
of our washed clothes like he makes origami.
It was so nice to hear y-kun say, “ I want to be Papa.”